About Us:
The MS II Charter of the Blue Knights was originally shared by the Gulf Coast and Starkville members.
The groups would alternate holding the charter each year. One year while the charter was in Starkville, it
was not renewed.
In mid to late 1986, David (Dave) Grannison Sellier, Jr. heard about the Blue Knights and after searching
for more information, got permission from International to re-charter the MS II Chapter. He called a
meeting at KGs (at the foot of the Bay Bridge) in Bay St. Louis one Thursday night. Some of the people in
attendance that night (Rusty Barrett, David Bass, Don Dobbs, Ray Nation, and Ken Pell) were members
of the original chapter. The discussion that night included election of officers, chapter shirts and vests,
weekly ride night and time, monthly meeting night and time, and recruiting new members by spreading
the word throughout all the law enforcement departments along the Gulf Coast. There was a lot of
enthusiasm and excitement that night. It was decided that there would be a ride every Thursday night,
so every member would have more than one chance to ride with the group. There would be a Business
Meeting the third Thursday of every month. Dave was elected as the Chapter President, which he
proudly served for many years. Dave also served as a member of the SRC Board for several years.
MS II hosted its first conference, the SRC Fall Conference, in September 1995 at the Casino Magic in Bay
St. Louis. The Chapter members found out real quick, how much work actually goes into planning and
hosting a conference. However, it was well worth all the work and long hours. There was a lot of riding,
some meetings, and a whole bunch of eating. We made some very special friendships during those four
days that would last forever. Also, this was to be the first challenge between MS II and LA I to see who
could put on the best conference.
We are the Mississippi II Chapter of the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club.
We’re a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men and
women who enjoy riding motorcycles and serving our community. We are located in the deep south,
along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. We are one of only a few places where you can have your heater
and air conditioner on in the same day! Our winters can be a little cold and breezy and our summers
can be scorching hot but being able to ride along our white sandy beaches and watch the sunset over
the Gulf any day of the week is priceless. All of us here at the MS II Chapter of the Blue Knights welcome
you and your families to join us in the Gulf South.
If you have any questions regarding membership into the Blue Knights or general questions for our
Chapter, please email our President . BKMS2President@yahoo.com or our Vice-President at
BKMS2VicePres@yahoo.com. We hope you find our site useful and helpful.
On behalf of the Blue Knights, again, we welcome you and your and hope to see you soon!
The next conference MS II hosted was again at the Broadwater Hotel in Biloxi and this one was the SRC
Spring Conference in 2002. The chapter members worked extra hard and some of the events at this
conference were dedicated to the memory of the Chapter’s Founding Father, Dave Sellier, Jr. He would
have been proud!!!